Your Camera Does Matter (Comment)
In Michael Reichmann's article "Your Camera Does Matter" Reichmann writes that it is all about the camera and to this I agree to some extent. I am a beliver that it's the person behind the camera that makes the image not the camera. But without the right tools the photographer would not be able to make the best image he or she could make.
I am a photojournalist and I know that without my 300 2.8 and 1.4 extender I would not be able to get some of the sports images I do. With the Canon Mkll and auto focus I have been able to make images that I never believed possible. But If I did not know where to place myself on the field and did not know the sport I was going to shoot then I would not be able to come up with the images I do. I don't know how many times during my career I have heard from photographers on the sideline - if I had a 400 2.8 I could make the same shots. Wrong, wrong and wrong again. The photographers they were talking about earned that lens through knowing what to shoot and are now hired to do just that - make a great shot.
I guess what I am saying is, good photogs make great images with the tools they have. I know a superb photographer who still shoots with a Nikon F and film and a macro lens and people buy his prints for $400 and up and that includes museum art collections.
So I guess what I'm saying is that as Michael pointed out the right tool for the right job and it's a personal preference.
But I disagree with his comment "One of the hoariest of the hoary cliches is that a good photographer can take a good photograph with just about any camera. Horseshit."
I disagree!!! Tell you what Michael I'll give any number of great photographers the most rudimentary camera possible and they will come up with something worth publishing including you. I guess that means Duhhhh to you as well !!! By making that crazy statement above you have proven to us all that words do mean something. And what the hell is this "sub-otimal" reading skills comment all about. For crying out loud what the hell were you thinking.
Yes, don't let anyone fool you a good photographer can make a good photograph with just about any camera. Oh by the way the next topic of discussion is that photographs are made not taken.
Just my opinion.
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